IISc-led team develops footwear to prevent diabetic foot complications

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have potentially solved the problem of injuries caused due to an abnormal gait with the help of a 3D printed ‘snapping’ footwear.

Collaborating with the Karnataka Institute of Endocrinology and Research (KIER), the researchers have developed a pair of footwear that help distribute uneven pressure caused by an abnormal gait.

The sandals are specifically designed for diabetic patients who have a slower rate of healing as well as suffer from diabetic peripheral neuropathy or diabetic nerve damage. Diabetic patients who have lost sensation in their feet are often at a higher risk of ulcers, calluses and other complications due to an abnormal gait that puts extra pressure on certain parts of the feet. This, combined with the low rate of healing, leads to infections that can eventually result in amputation.

Priyabrata Maharana, first author and one of the researchers said. To commercialise the footwear and make it widely accessible, the researchers are currently collaborating with two Bengaluru-based healthcare start-ups — Foot Secure and Yostra Labs.


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