** Udupi: Laxminarayana Nayak – Philatelist par excellence from Kallianpur

Laxminarayana Nayak from Kallianpur here has been an avid philatelist, and he has been collecting stamps for the last 40 years. His collection boasts of about 28,000 different types of rare stamps. Nayak is of the opinion that if the children cultivate such hobbies their thought process will expand and the time they spend will be worthwhile unlike the mobile addiction that results in wastage of time.

Perhaps he is among the firsts in coastal Karnataka to be having a special collection relating to Kannada Rajyotsava. Out of 95 stamps released by the state government about different achievers, tourist spots and centres of faith, water, land, culture, etic, Nayak has 87.

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