** Substance with style: Bengaluru-based retail store offering shoppers deep dive into history of fashion

Western designers customising apparels for Indian princes; legendary actor Rajesh Khanna’s guru collar and kurta shirts; the wide range of shawls from Kerman (Iran) to Kashmir.

A reading room set-up at Ffolio, a hi-fashion retail store in the city, is offering its shoppers a deep dive into the history of fashion.

Curated by Ffolio in collaboration with Papertrail, a pop-up photobook library and reading room, the store is now displaying a series of photobooks on fashion and art that give a sneak-peek into how fashion has evolved over the years – from the fields of feudal rule to Bollywood and the changes in styles brought about during the pandemic.

According to Yashodhara Shroff, founder of Ffolio, these photobooks are a pictorial representation of fashion dating back to centuries.

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